On the first rest day of the Tour de France, Intermarché-Wanty confirmed its strong support for Restos du Coeur. In Orléans on Monday July 8, the Belgian World Team welcomed some 15 families in the care of Restos du Coeur and supported its fund-raising campaign in the presence of Yves Mérillon, national spokesman for Restos du Coeur, Jean-François Bourlart, CEO of the Intermarché-Wanty team, and the Belgian team riders taking part in the Tour de France.
On this 111th edition of the Tour de France, the Intermarché-Wanty team continues to pedal for a good cause. After first donning the jersey in the historic colors of VC Ath, the Belgian team’s riders once again donned the mauve and gold outfit with a tribute to Restos du Coeur on the left breast, this time in the presence of representatives of the French charity.

Host families and volunteers were able to get up close and personal with green jersey Biniam Girmay and his team-mates on the Tour, as well as take a behind-the-scenes look at Intermarché-Wanty’s bus and mobile infrastructure.
Last year, the association distributed 171 million meals and supported 1.3 million people. Founded in 1985 by Coluche, Restos du Coeur is present throughout France, with 112 departmental associations and 2,333 drop-in centers. On a daily basis, 75,000 volunteers work to combat poverty and exclusion in all its forms, distributing meals but also offering social support: access to rights, culture, job-seeking support, personal assistance in various forms.
Over 75% of Restos du Coeur’s work depends on the generosity of the public, and the organization must constantly make its voice heard to raise the funds needed to carry out its day-to-day activities. In addition to raising public awareness, the Intermarché-Wanty riders will be pedaling to raise funds for Restos du Coeur. All donors who show their generosity via this kitty during the Tour de France will be entered in a draw for an exceptional prize: a CUBE Litening C:68X bike, identical to the one used by the Tour de France riders, worth almost €10,000, as well as five Intermarché-Wanty team outfits.
A kitty has been open since the Grand Départ of the Tour de France at the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/TDF-IWA-RestosduCoeur
Patrice Douret , volunteer president of Restos du Cœur :
“The Restos du Cœur are delighted to be taking part in this solidarity operation, which enables families and children to discover what goes on behind the scenes of a team and an event as unifying and mythical as the Tour de France. Many thanks to the fine Intermarché-Wanty team for their commitment to the association. Those who know the story of Biniam Girmay will know that this young sprinter has come a long way. At the Restos, we measure every day in the field how inspiring upward trajectories like his are for the young people we welcome into our centers. So it makes a lot of sense for Les Restos to take part in this Tour de France, to defend these values and celebrate hope and dreams that come true.”
Jean-François Bourlart (CEO Intermarché-Wanty):
“This year, we’re celebrating 50 years of our Intermarché-Wanty project. A wonderful adventure that Biniam Girmay and all our team are helping us to honor on this Tour de France. Throughout our history, we have always helped and supported charitable associations and projects that were close to our hearts. We wanted to take advantage of our privileged position as a professional sports team to help those in difficulty. Thanks to a relationship we’ve built up with the Restos du Coeur and in particular their Association Départementale 59A based just twenty kilometers from our Race Department in Tournai, we wanted to take advantage of the Tour de France to give greater visibility to this association and their actions. We’re proud to be working alongside Restos du Cœur and to contribute in our own small way during the Tour de France.”
“Our support for Restos du Coeur is based on three main pillars: firstly, highlighting their day-to-day work. The month of July offers an exceptional showcase for the work of the thousands of volunteers who work all year round to fight poverty. Secondly, we’d like to make a financial contribution to Restos du Coeur and take advantage of our community’s support to raise funds this summer. Last but not least, we’ll also be supporting the social initiatives of our departmental associations, as children from families sheltered by Restos du Coeur will have the unique opportunity to meet those involved in the Tour de France and share unforgettable, heart-warming moments with the Intermarché-Wanty riders during the two rest days in Orléans and Gruissan.”
Yves Mérillon (spokesman for Restos du Cœur):
“First of all, I’d like to thank the Intermarché-Wanty team for welcoming volunteers and families on this rest day. These families left with sparkles in their eyes and will remember the day for a long time to come. They were able to go behind the scenes of the Tour de France. Things you don’t see on television. The story of the Intermarché-Wanty team and that of Biniam Girmay resonate with our association. As its name suggests, Restos du Coeur welcomes people whose lives have been thrown into difficult situations. We also welcome young people: today, one out of every two people who pass through the doors of our centers is under 25. That’s why this invitation from the Intermarché-Wanty team and the plan to donate a fund to our association are such a powerful gesture, and one that we hope to extend in the future. We would like to thank Jean-François Bourlart and the whole team for this generous project.”